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01 September 2023

This is after an un-recorded weight of 67.2kg last week, so I'm not too upset about it. Started tracking calories again this week and stayed in a good range. I've also been managing my average of 7k steps a day. Did IF since Tuesday, and I think that's helped too. I will try to continue next week.

I've also started having a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in the morning since Wednesday. I used to do it years ago, and I'm still not sure if it really works or that it's just a placebo for me, but I'll try anything to lessen the visual spread around my midsection. Just hate the taste, so having it in black coffee with a tsp of honey. Weird, but tolerable.

Our holiday is approaching in just over a week, and I'm feeling a bit nervous about it. Probably just because other holidays we've wanted to go on in recent years never materialised, and for some reason, I'm dreading it happening again even though it's all booked and paid for already. Hoping this feeling goes over the weekend. Next week should be busy with work, so I won't have time to fret, which is a good thing.

Hope you all have a great weekend! Meant to be up to 24 degrees here this weekend, so we'll take a picnic on a walk somewhere pretty.
Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
66.4 kg 19.6 kg 1.4 kg Reasonably Well
   (5 comments) Gaining 0.4 kg a Week

18 August 2023

Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
65.7 kg 20.3 kg 0.7 kg Reasonably Well
   Add Comment Gaining 0.1 kg a Week

13 August 2023

So above is a link to the brown soda bread recipe I used, with a few tweaks:

- Instead of the egg I used 1 flax egg, which is 20g ground flaxseeds + 60-80g hot water and left to stand for a bit to cool)

- Instead of treacle (dark or light) I used 4 dates (soaked in a bit of boiling water and then mashed) and a tablespoon of organic blackstrap molasses (might do two tbs next time)

- Rather than a handful of pumpkin seeds I used 40g mixed seeds

I would say don't try to cram too much flour or oats into the yoghurt pot because that was my mistake the first time round. This time I just poured it in lightly and it came out much better. I also left it in the oven for a full hour after (checking it every 10 minutes from about 40 mins), but that will depend on your oven (if you're trying it). I was trying to emulate the Sasko Brown Bread Dumpy Loaf I loved in South Africa, and it is a pretty good alternative, but I still miss the original.

11 August 2023

The scale has shown this number last Sunday and a few times this week, but I wasn't sure it would appear again today - so quite chuffed. I've eaten 30 different plant foods this week and kept up my water intake. Still not tracking calories, but I'll see how I feel about it next week. I also have stuck to IF so will see how I feel about it next week. This week I've been hungry around 10am so have just eaten then and not waited till noon.

I'm behind on my 7k daily average steps so will try to catch up today and keep it going for the weekend. Also did a 20 minute yoga stretch yesterday, which is Day 3 of 21 Days so I'm hoping to do all of them in the next 3 weeks or so. I did the first two a few weeks ago.

I'm now having a glass of hibiscus tea once a day - recommended by Dr Greger of Nutrition Facts. He has quite a bit more, but I'll stick with this for now. I've also upped the 15g of ground flaxseed in my oats to 30g. Two of the efforts to lower my blood pressure, which seems to have worked. I'm also trying to fit in a 2 minute breathing exercise I found on YT at least once a day. I haven't always remembered, but it's easy enough to fit in when I wake up or just before I fall asleep. Other than that trying to eat the rainbow and include as many whole foods as possible, but this week we had ice-cream and chocolate sauce twice. I'm just trying to keep those portions very small and filling up with fruit. Gotta live a little, but I'm still keeping in mind that I want to reduce my consumption of ultra processed foods so working I'm on that.

This weekend I'll try to bake a wholegrain bread I've done once before with a few slight variations. It has oats, wholewheat flour, mixed seeds and soya yoghurt in it - using Baking Soda as the raising agent. Last time it came out too wet so I need to measure the ingredients better and I'm hoping it will be a winner. I also want to try a few dates as the sweetener because the recipe asks for honey, which I used last time and then couldn't really taste.

Hubby is working this weekend so I'll try to do some solo walks through the park and check out a local food festival on one of the days as well.

Hope you all have a lovely Friday and a great weekend! xxx
Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
65.6 kg 20.4 kg 0.6 kg Reasonably Well
   (13 comments) Losing 0.2 kg a Week

10 August 2023

This morning I did:

Livinleggings - 20 Wake Up Yoga Stretch - 21 days of free live online yoga classes - (Day 3)

Felt great! It was a toss-up between this or going for an hour long walk and this won because I'll be able to write this post then have a lovely shower and wash my hair without rushing before starting work this morning. I could fit in a walk around lunch time or later this afternoon.

Last week we spent 3 nights in Wales with family and it was such a good break from the norm including the road trip there and back. We stayed in a cute log cabin and played lots of board games and drank hot chocolate (and some cider) because the weather was pretty horrible. No hike up Snowdon, but noone was really in the mood for that, so we did a couple of walks to waterfalls instead. And I had a very short walk on the beach before it started raining again. Did have hot chips doused with salt and vinegar at the seaside and also shared a decadent belgian waffle with hubby with my fave ice-cream - rum & raisin. :)

So, just before that I was successful in stopping taking the blood pressure medication I'd been on for a month. It made me feel awfully fatigued, with a really tight chest - I barely had energy for my daily walks - and I just about managed my evening job after taking up to 2 hour naps in the afternoon. So, after consulting with the doctor I stopped taking it after taking a smaller dose for a week. Then I went on holiday.

And at the beginning of this week I saw the nurse practitioner again wanting to restart the conversation about starting on hrt. But, my blood pressure spiked again on the reading she took. Not as bad as before, but still high. Thankfully I'd already booked to wear a 24 hour blood pressure monitor from Tuesday at 9am to Wednesday at 9am - it's the only day I could take off work, which was advised. And yesterday the readings came back very normal - so I'm very glad that this proves I have some kind of white coat syndrome when it's taken in the GP's office. I have an appointment to restart the hrt conversation again in a couple of weeks so hoping the blood pressure issue doesn't come up again.

Anyhoo, so that's what's been happening lately. This week I'd like to get to 7,000 daily average steps and I'd like to start fitting these 20 yoga sessions into my week. I have a lovely route through our local park that gives me a solid 9k steps that I'll try to do whenever I have time - on Tuesday evening it took 1.5 hrs so quite indulgent, but it is really lovely and we've had some beautiful blue skies this week so I hope to take advantage again soon.

I'm not tracking calories right now although I'm keen to start again to try to improve protein and then start with some mild dumbbell workouts - perhaps with just 4 or 5kg weights with high reps. It's less than 5 weeks until we go to Turkey for a week so I would have loved to develop some tone in my arms, but I think that would be a bit too ambitious. But, I'll see if I can fit in at least two arm workouts a week until we go. Legs I'm not too worried about and the tummy flab will be what it is.

A non-scaled victory yesterday was that I pulled my jeans down without unbuttoning and that's always a great sign. The scale said 66kg this morning, which is also fine so I don't feel that I need to restrict calories right now, but I know that it will help me to increase protein when/if I get back to it soon. Right now I'm just enjoying feeling energetic again.

So, I've missed out on about two weeks of posts and I've only dipped in slightly lately, but I'm looking forward to catching up on how everyone is doing.

Hope you're all well and have a Thriving Thursday everyone!!! xxx

Nikina70's Weight History

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