Nikina70's Journal

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01 December 2023

First week of calorie counting for a while and started off because I wasn't feeling too well on Sunday, and hence, it was easy to bring back IF at the start of the week because I had no appetite. I'm not sure what I ate on Saturday, but my digestion system was not very happy with me - it was just a feeling of nausea and bloat, though, so thankfully, it didn't get worse.

Back to normal by Tuesday, and I'll try not to overdo it henceforth. Some weekends can get a bit carried away with 'treats'. I don't really believe in treats because I think anything and everything can be accommodated within calorie counting, weekend or not. And because this is a lifestyle, not a diet, I want to be able to partake in all the things I enjoy, and I have been successful at losing weight that way before so I know it can be done. But, saying treats is just an easy way to describe what I ate last weekend and lately, which was just a bit too much indulgence - and I will reign it in, not only because it made me feel like crap, but because it's so utterly unnecessary, and I know better than that.

All of that being said, I enjoyed a small slice of chocolate cake last night, and I've been having hot chocolate every evening after my very chilly walk to work. Have walked 4 times this week, but I'm driving this evening. So will hopefully fit in a walk in the park on the icy crispy, crunchy grass tomorrow (yes, I will wander off the path), and then on Sunday, we are visiting a Christmas Market. It will be my first one since we moved to the UK for many reasons, one of which was a bad cold I got last year in the first week of December. This year, I want to try to enjoy a bit more of the festivities, and I even got some lights for our apartment window.

The weather has been so lovely with clear blue skies for the little sunlight hours we have, which is making it a bit easier (so far) to withstand the cold. I am missing the balaclava of my childhood, though, because my face always feels like it's freezing, so I need to wrap my scarf a bit higher and tighter in the future.

My whole visa process will also wrap up this Sunday, so hopefully, all will be done and dusted, and the butterflies, nerves, and uncertainty will cease then as well.

I still don't know when I'll get back to my goals. I actually laid out my workout mat yesterday, but then I had to roll it up again. Still catching up on a two week work backlog. But, we will get there.

Hope you all have a Fabulous Friday! xxx
Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
68.2 kg 17.8 kg 3.2 kg Reasonably Well
   (7 comments) Losing 0.5 kg a Week

24 November 2023

Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
68.7 kg 17.3 kg 3.7 kg Reasonably Well
   (4 comments) Gaining 0.0 kg a Week

10 November 2023

Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
68.6 kg 17.4 kg 3.6 kg Reasonably Well
   Add Comment Gaining 0.1 kg a Week

09 November 2023

07 November 2023

This afternoon I did:
Kaleigh Cohen Strength - 40-minute Upper Body PUSH Strength Training
Followed by her:
Upper Body Post-Workout Stretch

Better late than never I guess. No workout over the weekend, but did some walking on Sunday. Calorie counting has flown out the window this week with cheesy pasta dishes with garlic bread on the menu creeping in to the week days. I try to keep such things to weekends so I can try to reduce calories and eat much healthier during the week, but I'm starting to think hubby prefers the old chubby me of years ago and I'm not sure how to reign it all back in and get him to co-operate. He brought home Belgian milk chocolate chunk and salted caramel cookies yesterday and I just can't say no.

But, I'll try to keep my goals in focus and come back to them at some point. This month I'm getting ready to apply for my Spouse Visa Extension so I can live in the UK for another 2.5 years before I then apply for citizenship (fingers crossed). I'm finding it rather stressful and trying to take it one step and one requirement at a time because there are many and varied hoops to jump through. That, with some work stress thrown in, means I'm just grateful to still be getting a full night's rest because a few months ago, I think due to HRT, I would not have been coping as well. Hoping to continue with this slightly clearer mind and onward.

This is mostly, as usual, for my own records, but I hope anyone reading has a good week! xxx

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