Nikina70's Journal

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30 January 2024

28 January 2024

On Friday morning I did:
Kaleigh Cohen Strength - Upper Body & Abs with Dumbbells | 30 min
Followed by her:
POST-WORKOUT STRETCH for Injury Prevention & Flexibility

5kg weights felt good and I could feel I'd worked the abs all weekend. I feel like my muffin top is receding, but would need to find my misplaced measuring tape (or buy a new one) to establish that. Jeans aren't any looser yet so I know there is progress to be made - and now my holiday is creeping up - 7 weeks to go...

There are some size 10 items in my closet, which I'd love to fit into, but that might be a tad ambitious.

I'm still only managing two strength workouts a week and daily average calories are still hovering about 1850 - hence weight loss is slow. I did see 67.7kg on Wednesday morning, but I've made some bad choices (did someone say hollandaise?) since then so I have to 'own' it. Hoping I can claw it back this week.

I've decided that if I can get below 66kg by mid March that would be acceptable.

My step count has also dropped this week because I had the car to get to work most days and next week will be the same so I need to fit a walk in to my day at some point. I have managed to set my body clock to wake up at 7am though - so that is a baby step in the right direction.

Hope you all have a great week coming up! The end of Jan already - where does the time go? xxx
Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
68.2 kg 17.9 kg 3.2 kg Reasonably Well
   (2 comments) Losing 0.1 kg a Week

22 January 2024

This morning I did:

Heather Robertson - Full Body STRENGTH Workout with Dumbbells (Low Impact/No Jumping)

And on Friday morning I did her:
30 MIN Arm Strength Workout // HR12WEEK EXPRESS : Day 17

Still not managing to get daily average calories below 1900 calories, but I think it's still good to keep tracking. The scale said 68.1kg on Friday morning, but the day got away from me so I didn't record it.

So, that was two strength workouts for last week. I will try for 3 this week. Since it's only 20 mins of actual work I'm hoping doms won't be so bad, but also because of that I will possibly try to increase to 4 workouts a week. We'll see how it goes.

Thank you for everyone's support on my last post - I haven't been on the app as much as I'd like to, but will keep trying.

Have a lovely week everyone! xxx

17 January 2024

Lovely workout this morning with Heather Robertson - 30 MIN Full Body Strength / HR12WEEK EXPRESS : Day 58 with my 5kg and 2.5kg (for chest flyes) dumbbells

I like that it had a warm up and cool down within the workout so I didn't have to do a separate video after - so I've saved a few more of hers to do soon. Hoping to get back up to 6.5kg soon and increase steadily. Thanks to Wifey for the inspiration!!!

This morning I had Cliff Richard's song Summer Holiday in my head, which I'll keep as my motivation. These weeks before my family holiday at Easter will pass anyway so I may as well try to make them count - even if it's just the minimum effort I can manage. It's better than giving up and doing nothing.

This week I've had the all too familiar excuse that work got busy and I nearly just threw in the towel, but I just need to adjust my schedule a bit. So, on Monday and Tuesday evening I went to sleep at 11:15pm and 11:30pm and then I could wake up feeling ready for the day at 6:15am and then 6:30am this morning. I should be able to do a workout every second day at 7am.

Last week I only managed 2 and then on Friday I tried a Sydney Cummings one in the afternoon and ended up not having enough time to finish it and skipped a set so didn't feel like that was a complete workout and didn't diarise it.

On Sunday we did go for a nice walk with some friends so I ended up on over 13k steps. I'm nowhere near 10k a day, but still averaging over 6k average a day is fine for now.

Still trying to stay positive through winter and so far so good.

Hope you all have a Wicked Wednesday! xxx

12 January 2024

Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
68.3 kg 17.7 kg 3.3 kg Reasonably Well
   (1 comment) Gaining 0.5 kg a Week

Nikina70's Weight History

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