derv999's Journal

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10 April 2018

Happy that the weight is going down but still finding it difficult to cook my meals in the evening and can't seem to get motivated to do so during the day. The fact that I cook something altogether different for my 11 year old daughter and she gets fed first of course means cooking two dinners and it just gets very late and I am very hungry by the time I eat. I was really hoping that 'hunger' did not become an issue for me as I need to sustain this diet over a long, long time and hunger is the great enemy. I suppose I will just have to bite the bullet and become more organised so that my food is prepped and ready to go at the same time as my daughter. She also enjoys when we both eat together so I don't want to lose that experience as she is growing up so quickly on me and no doubt the time will come, all too soon, when she will wish she lived on another planet to the one I live on lol. Having a bit of an issue with sleep for some reason. Need to see my consultant soon to discuss my medication and whether changes in my food intake may be having an effect on the way I metabolise my medication. Otherwise, still ploughing ahead. Can't see any difference yet but my rings are loose on my fingers so at least they must be losing something!
Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
112.3 kg 8.1 kg 52.3 kg 100%
   (2 comments) Losing 1.9 kg a Week

31 March 2018

Well, that was a good result for the two weekly weigh in. All going in the right direction although I am told I will reach my target weight in 11 months. I understand this. I mean, I didn't get to where I am in just a few months. This has been a downward spiral over years of unhealthy eating so bearing that in mind, 11 months is not too bad. All that aside, the last week has been difficult. Not because I have been tempted to eat the wrong foods but because I had become so used to not cooking for myself when my little girl was in her dad's house for half of every week. I couldn't really be bothered going to all the trouble of preparing and cooking a meal for one person so I ate sandwiches and chocolate when she wasn't around. I also have a lifetime habit of not eating breakfast which I still have. I can even remember my poor mother, now resting in peace, desperately trying to get me to eat something, anything in the morning before I went to school and I would be physically sick if I did. So, this is where I am coming from. Never ate breakfast or lunch (this was the same during the many years when I was very slim), coffee sweetened with sugar and cigarettes all day and then a cooked dinner or sandwiches followed by tons of rubbish in the evenings and that was that. It was so very easy but also deadly. I still can't bring myself to swallow food in the morning. I still smoke - more since I gave up all the sugary things (3 cups of coffee a day with two spoons of sugar in each equals 42 spoons of sugar a week - yikes!). Lunch is hit and miss. So this whole thing hinges on my evening meal and I have to build in all the nutrients I need as well as keeping an eye on calories so I have no option but to cook a healthy, nutritious meal and I HATE DOING IT but quite like eating it lol. I also eat a small bowl of granola with fat free yogurt on it instead of the night-time chocolate I was eating. Exercise is currently out of the question due to multiple issues with my back that render me almost totally paralysed although I do make some attempt to work-out from a sitting position. It is so very hard to change the habits of a lifetime and if anyone can drop me a hint about how I can get past this issue of hating to cook for myself alone I would love to hear it. I am also finding this is a bit hard on my finances as I have to make sure there is fresh meat, chicken and fish as well as the fruit and veg in my fridge which, prior to this, all that was missing when you opened the door were the tumbleweeds! Oh well, at least I can take a bit of a boost from the weight loss and just keep on keepin' on as Bob Dylan would say.

31 March 2018

Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
115 kg 5.4 kg 55 kg 100%
   (1 comment) Losing 1.0 kg a Week

22 March 2018

I have had the same bathroom scales for years. About four or five years ago the battery went dead in it and I bought a new one for it but put it in a drawer instead of the scales. I knew that my weight was going up and up but I just could not face the actual number that verified exactly how far up it had gone. I even had a hospital appointment last year with a physiotherapist who put me on a scales but I refused to look at the result and made him promise not to tell me lol Then I asked him if I was the 'worst ever' to which he replied 'not at all, I had a man in here last week who weighed half a ton'!!! That was not exactly the consolation I was looking for but it was funny. Over the years my sisters and doctor and specialist tried to get me started on losing weight but their advice fell on deaf ears. I knew I was killing myself but didn't want to face the music. Kept making excuses to myself about my life being too stressful 'at the moment' or whatever but I always had a reason not to start. Well, about 6 weeks ago my sister was here with me and she needs to lose a few pounds too - not anything like me, so, without thinking I found that battery and put it in the scales. Of course my weight was abysmal but actually not quite as bad as I imagined it was going to be so that was good. I haven't looked back since and both my sister and I are supporting each other and are in for the long haul. The funny thing is that I have never been more stressed in my life than I am right now and yet I don't feel that pull to stuff my gut full of crap to make myself feel 'better'. Well, they say that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. However, I absolutely refuse to allow the word 'diet' to be used in context with my new lifestyle. I think it is a terrible word, full of negativity, denial and sacrifice and it is no accident in my opinion that the first three letters on their own spell 'die'. I have made a short list of the main foods I eat and their calorific values and have worked out what I need to be eating in terms of calories to lose weight and it is not going to get any more complicated than that for me. Can't exercise because my back is wrecked permanently but I am hoping that a significant weight loss will impact positively on reducing pain levels. Anyway, I suppose my point is that there is never really a 'right time' to start taking care of yourself. It should be happening all the time and if dealing with what you eat is part of that then don't waste valuable years putting it off. Also, try to the best of your ability to put something in place that is going to be sustainable. If you are not an exercise freak but you practically have shares in the gym in an effort to lose weight, you need to ask yourself if you can sustain that level of exercise in the long term? If you can't then you will need to be prepared to alter your calorie intake in the future or that weight will shoot back up again very easily. Similarly, you need to establish a good selection of foods that you actually enjoy eating, not just because they are low cal but because you actually get satisfaction and pleasure from eating them because if you are mainly eating stuff that you just tolerate because of the weight benefits, you will not be able to sustain your weight loss as it is almost inevitable that you will get bored with these 'diet' foods and will be tempted by the wrong things. Be realistic and sensible with your goals. I am mostly talking to myself by the way lol

19 March 2018

Well I started this 'weight loss' thing about four weeks ago and it's going alright. Before I started, my main vices were sugar (2.5 teaspoons in every cup of coffee), chocolate, white bread and cheese. Now, what is strange is that I have not had a craving for any of those things in the last month and I thought I would die without them lol. Anyway, all good except that my smoking has increased dramatically and I have a belter of a cough going on which means of course that I should not be smoking but I can't stop myself. Everyone has only got so much will-power, right? I justify my appalling behaviour by telling myself that every time I have a coughing fit that I am losing calories lmao I don't have great lungs. Have been using inhalers all my life but have been smoking since I was 12 so it balances itself out most of the time except that when I get a chest infection it is the mother of all coughs and I have to go to my doctor and face the usual lecture. Imagine how pleased he will be though when he hears that I am working on being a skinny minnie which has been the subject of many other lectures in the past. As it is a bank holiday weekend here on account of that finest of all saints - St Patrick, I will have to wait until tomorrow to ring for an appointment with the doc by which time I may have coughed myself to death and will likely be found on the floor with a carrot in one hand, a stick of celery in the other and a cigarette in my mouth!!! Also concerns about my medication as there is a lot of it and most of it has a sedating effect which slows down your BMR and also gives you a false appetite so I have to fight a bit harder to get results. Nevertheless, onwards and downwards. The world is my lobster! Cough, cough!

derv999's Weight History

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