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19 September 2017

Potato and Leek soup for dinner and I really can't think of any food more boring. I accidentally stockpiled the stuff though... There's this place called Company Shop There are only four of em in the country, but they're great. It's on a membership basis for people working in the emergency services. They're great for tackling food waste, and it's probably the best perk I've had working in the NHS. Basically, they're always striking up deals with supermarkets taking their surplus for next to nowt and selling it at big discounts. It's often stuff that's getting close to use by dates but not that much closer than if you were getting it at Tesco etc. Anyway, I ended up getting 24 tins of Heinz Potato and Leek soup for £2 from there, oops. If anybody who reads this lives close to one of these places and works in the emergency services, it's defitely worth signing up.

I love that they're doing their bit and saving me a few quid at the same time, it's such a shame how much food goes to waste. That said, are they really saving anything? Alright, every time I've been in I've bought stuff that I probably wouldn't have bought at normal price and some of it I've really enjoyed, but if I'm buying the basics from there I'm not buying the basics from Morrisons or wherever.

Just throwing this out there, where do we all stand on best before/use by dates? I don't give em that much attention to be honest. Course when I'm out shopping and I see a loaf of bread with a longer date on it I'll get that, but I'm not gona throw it away if its use by date passes. Nothing beats the sniff test. I think dates are too strict, and I can half understand it. Course, all food manufacturers and supermarkets are going to want to cover their own backs and give themselves a decent gap for when it becomes risky to eat something. I just don't know if overall, people are as picky as food standards agency and supermarkets etc. I was in Morrisons earlier and noticed they've got bags of potatoes labeled as "wonky veg", they're not polished, they might have the odd bruise or spade mark in them, but there's nowt wrong with em. I'm glad to see more of that kind of thing, cos it isn't that long ago that they'd have been thrown.

18 September 2017

First week making a vague effort, not been mega strict or owt but 3lb down. Haven't counted last couple of days, not cos I've been on some massive feasts or owt, just been busy and not felt like I've had time to think about what I've been eating. At work, now and again you end up on these silly streaks, couple of weeks ago I did 10 shifts in 8 days, now I'm getting towards halfway of 9 shifts in 8 days. Which are good and bad... Yeah, I don't drink much when I'm on these silly stretches, but it can involve a fair bit of quick fix eating which isn't great.

We're going to Krakow next Wednesday. I was in Budapest a week and half ago, I'll probably be dropping by the insolvency service next month. These breaks are a bit of a double edged sword really, being a vegetarian in mainland Europe feels a bit awkward than being a vegetarian in the UK, and partly out of laziness I'll end up eating pizza pretty much the whole time. But then you can have a look online and I've come across this and a few others Could well end up with the helathiest meal I've had in my whole life from there.

Course there'll be more than the usual drinking too, especially when the drinks are cheaper than here and there's no work tomorrow. But there'll be more than my usual walking too. Mentioned this pedometer I didn't even know was working on me phone the other day, I'm averaging a little over 10,000 a day but looking at my first full day in Budapest we did a little under 25,000. So there is that.

Late shift today anyway. I'll count today, but I don't want to be mega strict either.
Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
134.7 kg 1.4 kg 34.9 kg Reasonably Well
   (8 comments) Losing 1.4 kg a Week

14 September 2017

It'd be nice to find some middle ground somewhere inbetween total indifference and obsession. Ideally, I'd check my weight once a week and that'd be it, but knowing the scales are there I want to be on and off them all the time. Heh, if I were any good at dealing with temptation I wouldn't be on this site at all. Had a cheeky weigh yesterday afternoon after getting in from work and it showed me 5lb lighter than Monday morning. Which is ridiculous really, these scales I'm using now are miles more consistent than the ones I was using last time. On Monday morning I did three checks, all the same, same again yesterday in the exact same spot. Maybe I have lost 5lb in 2 days, it's less than 2% to me so it's not that crazy... I dunno, will do a proper weigh in on Monday.

I got an upgrade on me phone about 6 months ago and I've only just realised that there's been a pedometer going on it the whole time. Since then I've averaged arond 10,200 steps so I'm happy with that. I think it includes my cycling, I dunno. Whatever anyway, onward and downward.

11 September 2017

Starting again, again, again. Big disappointment to be back on 300lb. Using my wife's scales now, last time I was on here seriously I was using the ones I already had which typically gave readings of 10-14lb less than hers for some reason. Crazy how much difference there can be, both same brand, different models though. I don't know how accurate these scales are, just took two tests and got the same. Other ones I took half a dozen and got different readings every time. At least these are consistent, whether they're accurate or not.

Bluntly, I've been reckless and I know it. I just haven't been in the right mood for it for a long time. It's all text book, you eat crap so feel like crap, you feel crap so you eat crap, you think you deserve to feel crap cos that's what you think you are. Can't even really point to anything that's made me feel this way either. It really is such a battle. More to it than pushing yourself to go the extra mile and to exercise restraint - course they're important but the hardest part for me, and it always has been, is to push myself to challenge well established thought and behavioural patterns.

Feel like I've been waiting for a wake up call for a couple of months. I've had loads in the past, and like the crap feeling, I can't even say where they come from either. Course it's not realistic just click your fingers, pull yourself together and decide you're ready on demand. Doesn't stop me wanting it to work like that though, and today is one of those days. At the same time I've had plenty of times that something, somehow has just clicked and it's felt right, seemingly out of nowhere.

It'll always be a mystery and a battle to me. Here's hoping I can somehow really start to enjoy exercise, or someone can invent celery that tastes like pizza. Or both, that'd be really convenient. For now, I'm gonna have a few couple of minute stints on the cross trainer while watching some crap on youtube, I reckon.
Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
136.1 kg 0 kg 36.3 kg Not Applicable

16 June 2017

I seriously think yesterday might've been the first time in my adult life that I've gone a day without eating any cheese or potatoes at all. It wasn't a conscious thing but it's not a bad thing. I was such a picky eater growing up, but when I went vegetarian I had to broaden a bit. I was nearly 30 before I realised I actually like stuff like spinach, sweet potato, butternut squash, even stuff like broccoli. I'm such a manchild.

Fourth day back counting anyway, I have no idea where I am at the moment and don't particularly want to know. Still doing my usual 7 miles a day cycling on work days. I know I'm calorie counting, but I'm more interested in the stuff that you can't really count, how you feel. Alright, I can count my weight and measure my waist but I'm not going to, just want to get my clothes fitting a bit better again.

rwaller7483's Weight History

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