PhotogGal's Journal

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30 December 2016

I was thrilled at TOPS last night to step on the scale and show an 11.6 loss for the past two weeks. I was, indeed, the Biggest Loser, as I expected I would be. And, a nice surprise for me -- I ended the year 1.6 lbs. less than I began (at least at TOPS).

I do not plan on going up and down the same 10 lbs. in 2017, but I did make a bad choice after the meeting last night. Instead of going home and eating food I had on hand or going to the supermarket and buying something to cook, I took the easy way out and went through the drive-thru at Bojangles. I ate four fried chicken wings, a serving of mashed potatoes and gravy, cole slaw and a biscuit with honey on it plus a Diet Coke. It tasted really good, but I noticed a difference in how I felt when I got up this morning. I could feel the excess sodium.

I won't be doing that again, and although I may not log it here, I do plan to start logging everything I eat and making note of how I feel, both at the time I choose to eat it and later, how it has affected me, if at all.

I will be spending New Year's Eve quietly at home reviewing this past year and setting some small goals to help me start the New Year out right. I sincerely want 2017 to be a great one -- not just for me -- but for y'all too!
Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
111.0 kg 3.7 kg 40.7 kg Reasonably Well
   (6 comments) Losing 2.5 kg a Week

28 December 2016

A couple of weeks ago, after a TOPS meeting, I was feeling a bit off and did not feel like eating dinner. After a while of feeling not quite right, it occurred to me to take my blood pressure. OMG!!! Both my BP and pulse were really high -- scary high. Yet, for some reason, I could not bring myself to dial 911. Instead, I popped one of the "as needed" meds the arrhythmia specialist had prescribed for times such as these. I kept monitoring my BP throughout the night and fell asleep. Happy to awake the next morning, I was disappointed to discover that my heart was still out of rhythm. I took another pill, and it righted itself later that morning.

I must admit that I haven't been feeling quite right since then, except for one really good day. But that night scared me enough that I've changed my eating habits, cut way back on caffeine, etc. That night at TOPS, I was up to 256.4 lbs. I am now 246.4 -- exactly 10 pounds less and at the exact weight I was at the first TOPS weigh-in of 2016. All I've done this year is go up and down the same 10 pounds. Now that I'm back down to where I began, I began looking back over the past year and made some new goals.

My plan is to continue to make better food choices. But instead of focusing so much on what I weigh, I'm going to focus more on how I feel. I'm going to love and appreciate myself more, listen to my body and rest when I feel like I need to instead of pushing myself to do things just because I think I should. In fact, let's just toss out that S-word altogether and replace it with words like CAN and WILL.

This is truly the first time in forever that I feel like my head is aligned with my heart and that I'm fully present inside this body, which I've come to accept as the only one I'm going to be given, so I might as well do what I can to make the best of it.

Although I'm not feeling too great as 2016 winds to an end, I do truly believe that 2017 is going to be one of my best years to date.
Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
111.8 kg 3.0 kg 41.5 kg Reasonably Well
   (4 comments) Losing 0.1 kg a Week

25 October 2016

16 October 2016

Have had a very nice, relaxing weekend. Yesterday went with a friend for a drive up into the mountains toward Asheville, where we had a lovely and leisurely lunch at the Deerpark Restaurant on the Biltmore Estate. Fall color has begun but isn't yet at peak. It's gotten a little slower start this year.

Was not feeling well at all between my stomach and my hip and leg pain. It dawned on me that my stomach has been giving me problems over a period of days. It didn't just begin yesterday. I think it's all out of my system now, as I'm feeling much better today. The cathartic crying spell I had while journaling this morning may have helped as well. That came as a bit of a surprise to me. I somehow tapped into feelings that I had either ignored, buried or was in denial about. Wrote pages and pages!

Today was a gorgeous day, and I forced myself to get some exercise. I drove out to Furman University to walk along the lake and take photos of the gorgeous roses that are on their second round of blossoming. They're prettier now than they were in May!

I think I mentioned before that I was considering purchasing a baker's rack that was on sale to help make my kitchen more functional. Well today I decided that it wasn't going to work and instead ordered a moveable chef's cart with a butcher block top. It comes with two shelves, but I ordered a third shelf plus some hanger hooks for the sides. I can use it as an island or up against a wall. I think it's much more practical and will encourage me to do more cooking. I can't wait until it comes!

14 October 2016

This morning I had my 6-month follow-up with the arrhythmia specialist I was assigned to when hospitalized back in January of 2014 with A-Fib. Had to take Amiodarone for almost two years and have had not one issue since being taken off of it. I was given another medication to take on an "as needed" basis but have never needed them.

Because my last echocardiogram was normal, today's EKG looked good and I'm feeling great (other than hardly being able to walk), the doctor said he wouldn't need to see me again for a year. Woohoo!

Got my hair cut this afternoon and didn't feel like going back home or like going for a drive and taking photos so ended up hanging out at Barnes and Noble bookstore for a bit. I'd been reading "The End of Dieting" by Dr. Joel Furhman from the library and today at the bookstore ran across his book "The End of Heart Disease." After flipping through it, I decided I wanted to add it to my collection. Perhaps it will encourage me to start leaning toward a more plant-based WOE. I'm doing better than I was but know I could be doing WAY better and feeling a whole lot better too.

PhotogGal's Weight History

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