JustBananas's Journal, 01 Oct 22

Happy October, All, and welcome to Autumn!🦇🎃

General Thoughts today: Looking back through the years of my health, my 20's-30's were a LOT more active though less nutritious. I was vegetarian and ate yogurt daily, cheese often, and wine on weekends. Weighed about 120 or so. Today I'm fighting to fit in workouts, though I've given up alcohol and dairy (lactose intolerant now). The biggest change happened with menopause last year, and it affects everything from metabolism & energy levels to skincare to sleeping patterns to lipids. Extra work is required and I've come to peace with that.

Even though the winter holidays are coming, this year I don't expect any problems. My WFPB/Vegan diet has given me too many health benefits to step away from. Love ginger, cinnamon, and nutmeg, but instead of desserts, will just incorporate those flavors into healthy vegetable curries instead (made with squash, pumpkin, potatoes, etc).

My latest thing is watching Food Documentaries. Found issues with all of them in terms of what they include and intentionally exclude, but there's a wide variety out there to keep me entertained and informed. I would LOVE to be one of their guinea pigs and go to Fat Camp for a couple of months!

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I would gladly be your roommate at Fat Camp! 
01 Oct 22 by member: karen40.poole
@KarenP: Right?! No guesswork involved, planned activities, meet new people with the same goals and determination, and guaranteed results - fast! The only downside is being poked & prodded by doctors fairly often, but I would gladly submit if I could walk out of camp with the body of a 25 year old!  
01 Oct 22 by member: JustBananas
It's nice when a person finds the right diet like you have. There is no one size fits all diet. My diet and activity level have changed a lot over the years. I was not overweight until after menopause though. My labs were great until then. Some of it has to do with diet but some is genetic. I'm a former vegetarian who didn't tolerate it. My labs and medical problems got worse on it. I ended up in the hospital with vitamin deficiencies which sounds crazy but it is what it is. Thank goodness I had good doctors who realized that there is a diet for everyone and it isn't the same diet. I can't drink alcohol and am severely lactose intolerant. Greek yogurt affects me horribly. I'm picky so I have to deal with that too. I wish I could have a beer or a glass of chocolate milk like most people can but it isn't worth getting sick over.  
01 Oct 22 by member: -MorticiaAddams
@Morticia -- what were you eating when you were vegetarian? Did you increase your dairy (digestive problems from dairy could have caused problems with absorbing vits & minerals)? I saw a Registered Dietician when I first went vegetarian, and her help made a huge difference. Not saying that you should try again, but that what you ate as a teenager is not likely what you would eat today. 
01 Oct 22 by member: JustBananas
I definitely wish I had made better choices in my younger years, but you live and you learn thanks for sharing just bananas. 
01 Oct 22 by member: buenitabishop
Too bad we just have to keep repeating the cycle, that one generation cannot learn from the last. Many people are lactose intolerant because our bodies stop making the enzymes to deal with them when we are about 8-9 years old.  
01 Oct 22 by member: Kenna Morton
@Buenita: I know some of my high school friends are now paying for all those donuts and fast food habits. I feel young, so it's nuts that people my age have cancer and heart disease! @Kenna: bad habits are hard to break. I've learned to substitute out the bad stuff so that I don't have holes in my diet. So instead of parmesean cheese, I use nutritional yeast. Instead of the cheese plate or cookies for dessert, I'll eat fresh berries. It would be nice if I could still eat pizza, but I certainly don't need (or miss) the sodium, saturated fat, calories, or gas that it delivers!  
01 Oct 22 by member: JustBananas
I get it  
01 Oct 22 by member: buenitabishop
You can occasional have pizza or pie, or cake as long as you can master portion control and moderation. That is hard for some people 
01 Oct 22 by member: Kenna Morton
Stopping in to say hi and Happy October, I love Autumn! 
02 Oct 22 by member: LivinBreezy
@Kenna: As I stated already, I am lactose intolerant. Pizza, cake, and pie are not healthy, and discouraged by doctors. Why eat them at all? There's so much nutritious food available.  
02 Oct 22 by member: JustBananas
I’m 74, I’m healthy, I like pizza, cake and pie. An occasional indulgence, just once in a while, has not killed me yet. But I have learned to eat those kinds of things selectively and in a portion controlled manner. Life is long if you are lucky, good or fun foods are part of enjoying those years. We are all going to die from something. I just try to stay away from the big things like cigarettes and alcohol. I love beer and used to drink beer once in a while but just decided I didn’t need the calories or any of the potential medical/legal consequences of overindulging. I also avoid foods that are high in sodium, and try to keep the carbs and fats that I eat of the healthier variety most of the time. My body functions well on a 40-50% carb diet. I too struggle with getting enough protein and fiber. A work in progress 
02 Oct 22 by member: Kenna Morton
How much "fun food" someone wants in their diet is very much a personal decision. I try to keep mine minimal, in part because too much doesn't make me feel good. I just got back from a conference, eating off my usual diet, and frankly I feel like crap. I find the healthier I eat, the less I even crave the "fun" foods. I traveled a lot these last three months, and it's been tough. Just glad to be back home and finally getting back to the foods that make me feel good with no more trips planned until December  
02 Oct 22 by member: writingwyo
I’m with you. I’m headed out of town soon for a week. A lot of restaurant foods, unfortunately. I too feel like crap after eating out of my normal routine.  
02 Oct 22 by member: Kenna Morton
@Kenna: you are welcome to eat whatever you want to, obviously. I eat for my health now. Unlike you, I do not need to use supplements, nor do I struggle to get enough protein, fiber or any vitamin or mineral, because I do not waste those calories on beer, pizza, cake or pie. The way you push everyone to bake & eat desserts, it's like you're a diabetic/pre-diabetic yourself, jonesing for sweets, wanting company. Sell that on your own journal, not on mine.  
02 Oct 22 by member: JustBananas
@Wyo: Welcome home! Sent you a PM yesterday. I agree with your post -- if a certain food does not make us feel well, why force our bodies to digest it? It only lasts a moment on our lips. 
02 Oct 22 by member: JustBananas
Thanks! Probably won't log into my computer tomorrow at the earliest, maybe not until Tuesday, but will answer you when I do 😃 
02 Oct 22 by member: writingwyo


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