mskestrela's Journal, 13 Oct 16

Welp. The data is in, and yesterday's venture into Sugarland is telling its tale. Sad to say, the minions did, indeed, take me down. I tore the house apart and found some Fig Newtons. I ate 2. I know, not a binge, but definitely a cave. Around 8 or so, I wanted something sweet, in the worst way. And the ironic thing is that I rarely crave sweets, even when not dieting.
BUT...even that, combined with the earlier sesame chicken and teriyaki chicken didn't throw me out of ketosis! It was almost like I was trying to get out, and my body just said, "Nope! I like it here, and I'm staying."
So, racking up a whopping 75 g of carbs (72 net) didn't throw me out. Considering that when I started in April, if I went over 20, I was out for 2-3 days, that's a huge improvement!
Don't get me wrong. I'm not going to make a habit out of adding sugar and wheat back to my plan. Because I feel pretty crappy today, and the cravings are almost as bad as the first few weeks. And the sabotage part of my brain is whispering that I've lost 30 already, isn't that enough? People don't think I weigh that much, because I carry it well. STFU!!!!! LOL!
But it does mean that I can add in more legumes and fruits from time to time, more complex carbs. Ain't gonna lie. I miss peas!
Today, I'm back on plan, and looking forward to getting the sugar back out of my system.
Happy Thursday, buddies!

View Diet Calendar, 13 October 2016:
1285 kcal Fat: 112.77g | Prot: 23.30g | Carbs: 58.58g.   Breakfast: Half and Half Cream, Pyure Stevia Sweetener, Coffee (Brewed From Grounds). Lunch: Green Giant Hass Avocado, Heinz Gourmet Malt Vinegar, Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Snacks/Other: Planters Dry Roasted Peanuts, Fig Newtons Fig Newton. more...
2698 kcal Exercise: Watching TV/Computer - 9 hours, Washing Dishes - 20 minutes, Cooking - 25 minutes, Resting - 6 hours and 15 minutes, Sleeping - 8 hours. more...

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You've done so well . Losing 30lbs is massive Your bound to have sugar blips. You know this and can resolve yourself to it. Keep going.  
13 Oct 16 by member: Mrs Maths
You're one strong lady . This won't take you down.. Maybe you just needed to have some sugar and other now back on can and you will do this. 
13 Oct 16 by member: Char60
Did you throw out the rest of the Fig Newtons, or are they waiting in the cupboard for another weak moment? Time to go all cop-like on the lurking cookies! 
13 Oct 16 by member: soonsoonsoon
Just consider it a reset point, back to the grind.  
13 Oct 16 by member: @philrmcknight
You are strong and motivated. You will do this -- and I agree, get the cookies out of the house. I am so lucky to have a freezer 3 flights down. Especially in those evil nighttime craving hours, trekking down to the basement is NOT attractive, so anything that's vaguely dangerous is kept downstairs. But I really identify with what you said about people saying you look great and isn't 30 pounds enough? I am in the same position: Family and friends keep telling me how great I look and they roll their eyes when I say "but I have another 25 pounds to go." Regardless of how I look, I am 25 pounds away from what is considered a healthy weight for a person my age, gender, and height. So I can't let myself be distracted. Let's stick together and get this done! 
13 Oct 16 by member: Hermiones Mom
Yes ladies, me too.. I've got 60 more to lose, but so many compliments turn my head. I really like your terminology Kes, last week "fear porn" today, " venture into Sugarland" . You really do have a way with words. I am so surprised to hear you say you are feelin cravings. Last week after the storm you wrote that you hadn't felt any cravings since you started IF. I have been following your journey closely and think I might try IF when/if I reach a plateau. I do want to present the idea to my doctor beforehand b/c I'm type II INSULIN dependent. My training has been to eat 3 regular meals a day. Admittedly I have not watched the video by Dr. Jung yet, so I could be talking out of my behind. Anyway, back to my point. Do you have any insight to the sugar cravings besides the Chinese food. Is it possible you lost 30 lbs without any disruption to you WOE? Maybe I missed some posts ...I try to keep up with it...  
13 Oct 16 by member: Sarah1950
Ditto what Sarah said. People are telling me I look great. I feel great, too, and feel so skinny and light on my feet. But I have 85 lb to go!  
13 Oct 16 by member: LadyinDenim
@Sarah, Sugar has a way of triggering sugar cravings. I knew that when I ate the sesame chicken (the sauce has sugar in it) the boss brought in. There are several documentaries on YouTube that explain the chemical reactions in your body when you eat refined sugar. I do suggest you watch Dr. Fung's videos *before* seeing your doctor, so that you have at least an understanding of the theory behind IF and diabetes to present to him. As for the disruption of my WOE, I'm pretty sure my main trigger/demon was wheat products. Bread and pasta were my staples, but they also caused heart palpitations and arrhythmia. I suspected it for years, and by cutting out all wheat, confirmed it. And thank you for your kind words about my writing. Language is my favorite playground! ;) 
13 Oct 16 by member: mskestrela
I discovered I had been having the same reaction to wheat for some time -- it felt as though I was having an asthma attack or something. When I eliminated wheat on the recommendation of my gastro doctor, my whole life changed. Seriously. I feel 100% better since I dumped wheat, and my friends will tell you, I am not the sort of person who just jumps on the newest trend.  
13 Oct 16 by member: Hermiones Mom
Thanks everyone for the advice and encouragement! I think when people tell us we're looking great, it's their way of trying to encourage us to keep up doing what we're doing. Then again, it makes me wonder how BAD I looked before! HAhaha. The only one who has, so far, warned me about "losing too much weight" is my co-worker who would benefit most from changing her eating habits, but just shakes her head in horror at giving up her comfort foods...which are sugar-laden for the most part. 
13 Oct 16 by member: mskestrela
IKR? My co-workers ask how I lost the weight, and I say "high fat, low carb and intermittent fasting." Then I follow it with, "Basically, give up sugar, wheat, and potatoes. You will lose weight." The next thing out of their mouths is, "I can't do that!" 
13 Oct 16 by member: LadyinDenim
I got some nice compliments today too. I'm wearing clothes that fit and not my older baggy stuff. People don't notice the subtle changes, but all of a sudden they realize that you don't look like you used to (30 lbs ago!) 
13 Oct 16 by member: erikahollister
Wow did I read that right, you been on Atkins since April? Congrats on the success! It's great that you found something that is manageable to live with and is working for you! I was never able to stay with Atkins myself, it felt like I was eating too much "heavy" type food and me feel ill at the time. I know what you mean with people telling you you "carry it well" I heard that my entire life. I'd like to think we carry it even better now ;-) 
13 Oct 16 by member: TheVeggieMama
@Lady, I think each individual has to reach their breaking point, or rock bottom, before changing is less scary than staying where they are. And it's different for each of us. For me, it was going over 200 lbs. When I divorced I was at a lifetime high of 235. I dropped 45 of that in the aftermath, but stayed pretty steady in the 185-200 range since 1997. I swore I'd never top 200 again, and after the holidays last year....I did. That was it for me. I hope to be a beacon for others when they reach their breaking point. 
13 Oct 16 by member: mskestrela
@Erika, I actually had a client ask me if I was tired, one day. I wasn't, and felt great. About halfway through her service, she said, "OMG! You've lost weight! I knew there was something different about you, but I couldn't figure out why you looked different!" LOL! When she hugged me when she was leaving, she exclaimed, "I can feel your ribs!" It's nice that I have people I only see every 6 weeks...they get to see the dramatic changes, rather than the subtle ones. 
13 Oct 16 by member: mskestrela
@TheVeggieMama, I started on Atkins because I had been on it back in the 70's when it was the newest fad, and I knew it worked for me. But, in the new age of the Internet, I quickly transitioned to LCHF, based on new information and research. I knew that there was something inherently wrong with the dietary guidelines, and research gave me the data that pushed me in that direction. Every body is different in its needs and tolerances. There is a catastrophic history of diabetes in my family, so for me, carb restriction is the key. For others, veggies and fruits are where they need to be. If it works, DO IT! I love to see the shocked looks on people's faces when I tell them I started at 200+ pounds. They had no idea I was that heavy. I agree with's to "carrying it well". 
13 Oct 16 by member: mskestrela
I love that "carrying it well," Kes. I agree -- you find your own breaking point that launches you finally in the right direction. I had a similar experience to yours: I was disabled in 2006, first from a back injury and then from a catastrophic break to my right arm, and by the time I was up and active again, I weighed more than I had every weighed before: 234 pounds. I was horrified. Worse, my FBS was 125, which is not horrible, but also not great if your family has a history of Type 2. I started researching and landed on low-glycemic eating. Almost as soon as I started on a calorie- controlled low-glycemic diet, I began to lose weight. Now I'm more restricted than I was when I started, because of IBS. I've given up wheat and I steer clear of high-FODMAP foods. The result is that I continue to very gradually lose weight, but now I feel so much better than I have in years. I have a long way to go -- I want to lose 25 more pounds -- but I am OK with staying on the path, especially because mskestrela and others on FS are so supportive.  
13 Oct 16 by member: Hermiones Mom
You sound like you have done your research! When we finally find something that works (and keeps working) it's the greatest feeling. My mom got diabetes and I am at risk of it too, so it's great that you're looking out for yourself before things can go wrong instead of after. I wish she would have listened to me when I kept giving her tips to keep her sugar in check and not gain weight. She kept eating badly and now she has to take shots. I used to eat a lot of protein and fats myself. When I lost about 60 pounds in only 4 months last year my body revolted against me and I lost an organ. The mighty fat digesting Gallbladder. So... then I had to go on a very low fat diet in order to avoid being in constant pain. It was very alien for me and meat became unbearable to digest. I never expected to be a vegetarian, I absolutely loved meat. I guess I wore out my gallbladder by eating too much of it! Now the smell of meat makes me feel ill (I still cook it for my family though!) and the thought of the pain I endured makes me never want to take a bite of it again. Ever. Our bodies are amazing in how they can adapt to new conditions and keep going if we just listen to them. 
13 Oct 16 by member: TheVeggieMama
Hopefully tomorrow is a better day for you after some of that sugar works it's way out of your system. We know the more refined carbs we eat the more we want, but sometimes it just seems okay to indulge just a little. Then we pay the price. *sigh* 
14 Oct 16 by member: rhontique
I can totally relate to this! I don't usually crave sweets either, but the other day I couldn't help myself. I ate three bite size Kit Kat bars! I was so mad at myself, but the next morning I was still in ketosis! I was happy that I hadn't messed up too badly. Like you, I definitely don't plan on making it a habit, but it is nice to know that if I do indulge in a small way, I am not undoing all the hard work I have put in so far. Keep up the good work! 
14 Oct 16 by member: sierra1167


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