Ms Elizabeth's Journal

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28 April 2023

I think I need my head examined. You'd think having issues that cause me to have a physical reaction to eating badly would be enough to make me not eat badly.. but it's not. Sometimes I will say screw it and say I'm going to eat x, y and z. Sure I will be violently sick and trapped in bed the next day BUT.. I'm still going to do it. It's a really good thing I don't have a food allergy. I feel like I would be allergic to peanuts and still want a peanut butter cup. I would be that woman that calls 911 to report need of assistance because I'm going to do something that requires them to come save me.

If I could just figure that part of my dysfunction out then I would be the size of a model. I'm working out just about daily or being physical doing yard work, etc. because it makes me feel better. So does gummy bears.. And meatloaf sandwiches. And beer... definitely peanut butter and chocolate.

The boyfriend is being super supportive with getting into shape and I feel like I'm letting us both down by stuffing my face with deliciousness. The weight isn't moving and I see zero difference.

I'm now accepting applicants who will follow me around and slap food out of my hands.

25 April 2023

Yesterday was stressful and I ate like a toddler. I also haven't managed to make it to the gym since Friday so today I concinved myself to get back at it since it helps manage my stress. I need to figure out how to handle stress and bad days without resorting to raiding the kids snack cabinet. Normally I stay out of it and they have their own little space for their treats that I try to stay out of. Yesterday I was running around with a fruit rollup hanging from my mouth and a snack bag of nutterbutter cookies in my hand.

I know I feel better when I work out. I don't know why that isn't a convincing enough thing to make me want to do it. I put it off yesterday and didn't do it at my normal time because I was trying to get work done. Then my son discovered something got into the chicken coop and killed one duck and mangled another. Today I'm on duck watch because I don't think it's going to make it. It's moving around but it only moves when I'm not watching it on the camera. If I go in there it tries to run away from me which looks painful. If it makes it the darn thing is getting fresh lettuce and treats every day for the rest of its life.

I feel partially to blame because I extended the chicken run into what used to be a field of weeds. I think I invaded something's home. Or I alerted something to the fact that there are ducks and chickens nearby.

I totally became a chicken/duck nut. I could go on about my plans to add a slide and a playground for them this summer. It's fine. I'm fine. Loving things that lay butt nuggets is perfectly normal.

Here is to working out. Not eating like a toddler. Hoping ducks live. And resisting the urge to run and grab more baby ducks to raise and create an entire flock in my back yard.

21 April 2023

I'm broken. It seems like the last year has been a challenge and it's not getting any easier. The rational part of my brain says if I get healthier that will help with all the issues I'm having. Even the groups that I have joined suggest getting healthier helps so I'm not off base. So far I have Meniere's.. no known cure. I may have an aneurism in my brain. Need to go back for expensive tests just to find out I have a ticking time bomb in my head that is just as dangerous to leave alone as treat. If I decide to that is.. I'm still on the fence about that one. High blood pressure surprise surprise And then.... then I decide I am going to get serious about my health. I start working out for an hour 3-5 days a week. Guess what happens?

Guys version: Girly things happened. Continue reading at your own risk. Girls version: My IUD decided to do summersaults to become a permanent part of my life. The doctor and I decided that was not an option so it went bye bye. She used the word yank. The new thing is now no longer trying to kill me but I'm still pretty sure I'm dying. This is giving me flashbacks to child birth.

Oh and I got a sunburn doing yard work and I resumed workouts today so now I look like a shedding reptile.

The fudge. Get sick.. try to get healthy.. get new issues. Try to be positive and do positive things.. get hormonal. Ok rant done.

I will get healthier. I will get strong. I will get fit. It might kill me but gosh darn it I'm gonna do it.

29 March 2023

27 March 2023

Well we did it now. The boyfriend joined planet fitness both because he want's to get in better shape and he's encouraging me to get healthier because well my body is going down hill quickly and we both know it. My BP is too high, I get out of breath too easily, if I sneeze I throw some muscle out of wack.. or I pee myself a little.

Anyways. We met today at the gym instead of meeting at a bar like we would normally do. I won the changing in the locker room challenge. I can get both in the gym and out of the gym almost 5 minutes faster than him. It's like he doesn't change like a toddler or something. $5 says he folded his gym shorts. Mine are crambed into the bottom of my sons old book bag because that is what I have now called my gym bag.

On the elliptical I burned a whole 100 calories more than I would have at home. Mostly because he kept hitting my button and he was watching and I wasn't taking random breaks or watching trash tv on the screen. I was watching game shows because I forgot my earbuds and my water bottle. Thankfully the boyfriend had a bonus water that was probably rolling around in his car for a good week or two before I stole it. Then we did treadmills.. neither of us were brave enough to try the weights. He claims we are starting slow. I'm pretty sure I will be on the floor snoring in my office this afternoon because of the non-slow in our slowness. Then he did this weird thing where he insisted we should stretch. So we did weird pretzel moves by the workout equipment... Which I won because I can touch my toes and he can't. Not that it's a competition but I'm totally winning.

Ms Elizabeth's Weight History

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