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12 December 2023

Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
108.0 kg 26.7 kg 26.4 kg 100%
   (15 comments) Losing 0.5 kg a Week

07 December 2023

Good Morning FS Warriors! The fight against fat continues!!! For the 2nd week in a row I have had less than a 3 pound drop. Now granted, last week included my Thanksgiving indulgences, but I ended up with only a half a pound gain from that due to Fasting the day after. So, it has been 4 weeks since I upped my protein from around 68g per day to 120-140g per day. Also right after Thanksgiving I began lifting heavier....I got some higher rated resistance bands so I quit the 10 lb dumbbells and started my workouts with 20 lb bands. My workouts were too easy, these newer ones are not. So you folks who have experience in this area answer this question. At what point in lifting heavier do you start to see muscle growth? I am wondering if my slowdown on weight loss indicates that I have stopped losing muscle mass? So four weeks of higher protein, two weeks of intense (for me) strength training, am I building muscle or just not losing what muscles I have? I feel good, other than the tender spots from using neglected and overlooked muscles.

I have finally taken new measurements, the last measurements I took were pre-covid back at the end of July. I'm using my first set to show overall inches lost. There were areas I did not measure in the beginning, that are being measured now, they will be at the bottom with no comparison numbers.

6/7/23 12/7/23 Total inches lost
Neck - 17 15 2
Bust - 54 47 7
Under Bust - 41 38 3
Waist - 48 39.5 8.5
Hips - 60 53 7
R Thigh - 32 27 5
L Thigh - 32 27 5
R Knee - 27 22 5
L Knee - 28 23 4
R Bicep - 19 13 6
L Bicep - 19 14 5
R Calf - 18 16 2
L Calf - 19 17 2
Abdomen - 50
Buttocks - 49

Total inches lost since July - 9 Total overall - 61.5

So, what I am seeing here is loose skin dropping...gravity, you can't escape it, so my hips are now carrying the loose skin that dropped down from my waist and abdomen. My knees have caught the loose skin dropping down from my thighs, it's all wiggly and jiggly, but I can feel harder muscles beneath the jello, where before the muscles seemed flaccid. There has to be some type of toning and possibly growth happening there! Overall I am happy with my progress, I think the changes I've made were necessary and in the long haul, successful. Yes I slowed down my weight loss, but I improved my nutrition and hopefully I'm on the road to building strength and muscle. Only time will tell. I am grateful for my progress, for all of the things I have learned from the people on the page here and all of the fantastic support and love I get from you guys! Ya'll have a fast-astic day if you are so inclined!
Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
108.4 kg 26.3 kg 26.8 kg 100%
   (35 comments) Losing 1.0 kg a Week

02 December 2023

Good Morning! So a friend of mine from Texas posted this this morning and since it's along the same lines as my latest theme, I decided to share it.

Something to think about....
What if you were a single parent with a child . You work full time for $14.00 hr. You bring home roughly $800 .00 per paycheck (bi-weekly).
Your bills:
$1, 000 . 00 / rent
$150 .00 / electrical
$250 .00 / car payment
$150 .00 / car insurance
So let’s do the math :
You bring home about
$1,600 .00 a month & your bills average about $1,550.00 (give or take).
You’re making it, but barely.
This doesn't even include groceries, internet, cable, cell phone, etc .
(nor does it include child tax credit, or child support)
Now, it’s a really cold December and you get a power bill for $600 .00
How do you pay that?
To put it simply , you don’t.
Because you can’t.
So your power gets shut off.
But you know what your lease says?
It says you get evicted if your utilities are terminated.
So now you’re in court crying to a judge who doesn’t care, & you have 10 days to get out.
Well you’re in luck, because you found somewhere with 3 days to spare & it’s only $650.00 a month!
But to get in, you must pass a background & credit check. Which you can’t because you just got evicted.
You’ve never been a criminal, but even if you could pass it, you’re looking at $1300 to move in, after paying the deposit & first month’s rent.
Time’s up ....
Landlord shows up at 7am with the police & changed your locks.
So, now you’re living in your car with your 7 year old son & everything you need to get by.
You tried to get a storage unit, but you don’t have a billing address so they won’t rent one to you. So you could only take what would fit in your backseat.
You pay to shower at local truck stops & eat whatever can be cooked in a gas station microwave.Someone sees you & your son living like this & calls C.P.S; guess what happens next ? ? ?
They remove your child from your care.
As if this isn’t devastating enough, you lose your job too. (Because “an employee losing their child reflects poorly on this company .”)
So now, you apply for an apartment with the region where the waiting list is 3-7 years.
Then you go into Wal-Mart to put in an application.
When you get back to your car you see that your back window has been smashed & someone helped themselves to your belongings. Remember that it is December & really cold. Now you have damage to your only shelter.
You call your car insurance, who says your deductible is $1,000.00
~ AND ~ they’re going to increase your monthly rate since you’re now
“ high risk .”
You call the homeless shelter as a last resort & all their beds are full.
I’ll stop here .....
Because I think you get the point .
The people we work with everyday are these people .
We are all so close to homelessness & don’t even realize it .
All it takes is :
* one unexpected bill📃~
* one fender bender🚙💥🚗~
* one lay-off 📊~
* one house fire 🏠🔥 , etc.
Instead of talking trash about people who are poor , homeless , or need assistance , why don’t you try being grateful that you’re not in their shoes ...... YET !
This is about staying humble & being kind .
We Are All Struggling In Different Ways.. 😭😩

30 November 2023

Good Morning FS Family, I'm hoping everyone has recovered from the holiday feasting and shopping...if you indulged in any manner. Many of my customers claimed total bankruptcy after the two day splurge. Oddly enough, it was not food overindulgence that created the most was what everything cost..especially food. I notice trends with my customers, primarily over 65 and on a fixed income. Grocery store prices are really giving them a beating right now...and not a single solitary one of them will accept a loving gift to help them through the end of the month crunch. God Bless and keep safe our hard-working and proud poor. These folks here worked in the fields for most of their lives and due to the lack of farm workers protections in the past, they spent over half of their productive years with no social security participation, by them or their employers so most of them draw less than 800.00 per month. The really sad thing is, most of their earnings went to buy property and now owning that property makes them ineligible for most other forms of public assistance. Good budget management gets them through, but with this years spiraling costs they are falling short of the basics. I had a sweet lady yesterday who came in with 30.00 of rolled change to buy a money order and a stamp to pay for her burial insurance. I'm not supposed to accept change for money orders because they are a daily accountable item and the money has to be deposited daily and we are not allowed to deposit change. I took it anyway and when she left I took the rolled coins out of the drawer and did a debit card swipe for the transaction. I put the change in my car, I will use it over time by buying it back when I need more change. They have grown children who work and help support them, but the amount of support from them is also affected by the current high cost of sustenance. I guess that is one more thing to count as a blessing right now. If you have a roof over your head, food on the table, lights and gas are on and you have enough money to make it to your next payday, you are deeply blessed. I am deeply blessed and I am full of gratitude that I can assist, even in such a small way for my customers too proud to ask for or accept money assistance. A little kindness makes the rough patches a little less bumpy.

I'm pleased to show a loss after this fast, day one was rougher than usual, but I was feeling the fasting glow by day 3. All in all, my holiday was a blessed one and the feeding backlash was not a set-back. I'll take it!! Ya'll have a great day!
Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
109.4 kg 25.3 kg 27.8 kg 100%
   (21 comments) Losing 0.9 kg a Week

23 November 2023

Happy Thanksgiving FS Family! No matter if you celebrate this American Holiday or not, it's a good day to ponder gratitude. Be thankful for all of the blessings in your life. Start off with the basics, I was able to get out of bed this morning. I could see the scale that I stepped on and it was down 3.2 pounds. Coffee is good. There are so many more that I could list, but that is a place to start. I feel great, rested and very alive. I have everything I need right here, right now. God is good all the time. I hope and pray that every single one of you can find something in your life to be grateful for, we all have rough paths at one time or another in our lives. Things don't go as planned, the rug is yanked from underneath us and our worlds turned upside down. Each of us in our own way learn, adapt, survive the tumble and eventually come out on the other side. Older, wiser and battle scarred. There has to be one thing that your are grateful for....what is that one thing? Celebrate it, embrace it, be joyful in it. May the day bring you blessings, peace and the greatest of all...Love!
Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
110.3 kg 24.4 kg 28.7 kg 100%
   (22 comments) Losing 1.5 kg a Week

debrafrederick's Weight History

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