kingkeld's Journal, 10 Dec 13

Good morning.

This is a weird morning.

I took some extra painkillers last night, in an attempt to get a proper night's sleep.


I am reacting badly to the medicine. I feel hungover like if I'd been drinking for a week. I'm dizzy, and can't concentrate all that much.

I put on music and sat down to write, but had to turn off the music as it was making me dizzy.

I'm literally typing with my eyes closed, as I feel better this way.

The "damage" is weening off though. I'll be fine, but it feels horrible.


I went to bed again. Slept for about three more hours. I feel better now. I'm not 100%, but I'm somewhat closer. Give it a few more hours, and I think I'll be okay again.


The numbers are in, and there are some STRANGE observations this time...

07.12.13: 82.4 kg
08.12.13: 82.9 kg (pretty much average of the last several months)
09.12.13: 83.4 kg
10.12.13: 83.4 kg

07.12.13: 07.5% (6.18 kg)
08.12.13: 07.0% (5.80 kg - lowest in AGES!)
09.12.13: 06.8% (5.67 kg)
10.12.13: 10.8% (8.17 kg)

Muscle weight:
07.12.13: 72.5 kg
08.12.13: 73.4 kg
09.12.13: 73.9 kg
10.12.13: 71.5 kg

Fluid Percentage::
07.12.13: 68.5% (56.44 kg)
08.12.13: 68.3% (56.62 kg)
09.12.13: 70.5% (58,80 kg)
10.12.13: 65.6% (54.71 kg)

Total Energy Exp.:
07.12.13: 3379 calories
08.12.13: 3424 calories
09.12.13: 3451 calories
10.12.13: 3342 calories

Abdominal fat:
07.12.13: 4% (a first in a LONG time!)
08.12.13: 4%
09.12.13: 4%
10.12.13: 5%

The first thing that I noticed is that I supposedly gained 2,5 kilos of fat since yesterday. Obviously, this can not be done, not even if my RDI is too high - which is what I am trying to work out. If I was to gain 2.5 kilos of fat, I'd have to consume 17,500 calories more than I burn. Over the last three days - the days I have tested this - I have consumed 10,000 calories give or take, so this is clearly something else.

I'm simply not sure how to read it.

The other thing is that I am down a whopping 4 liters of fluid, and 2,4 kilos of muscle.

The fluid makes sense. My body has been retaining a LOT of fluid post-surgery, and I can easily see that I have less build-up in my body today. I can see the veins in my hands a lot clearer than I could yesterday, and I can see the swelling in my chest around the cut coming down. The muscle mass always goes up and down along with the fluid, so this goes hand in hand as always. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

But the fat? This one puzzles me. If anyone has any theories, I'd be happy to hear it.


I was in so much pain from my back yesterday. That pinched nerve is really getting to me - which is of course also why I took the damn medicine.

A way to get a little relief from it is by walking. As much as I know that I shouldn't overly do this right now, I just forgot time yesterday. I went to do a little shopping, and a good old friend called me. We were just chit-chatting, and before I knew it we had spoken for something like 90 minutes.

When I came home, I realized that I had taken 20,000 steps over the course of the day!

Fitbit suggested that I should consume 3,300 calories yesterday, so this makes today's weigh-in even more mysterious. Yesterday, TANITA and Fitbit agreed on my RDI!


I will stick to the same plan today as I have the other days. I have recalculated my RDI, and today it is 3342 calories. It's down more than 100 calories since yesterday - it's a massive change that can only come from the change in fat/fluid/muscle balances. I find this very interesting. It looks like the low amount of body fat allows me to consume more calories. I guess that makes sense.

Seeing the 9.8% body fat from yesterday's 6.8 upset me for a moment. I really liked having it that low, but of course this is all in my head. I don't feel it any different.

I have promised myself to not chicken out at the first setback here. I will stick to plan. I will continue, at least a while, to see where this goes. I won't learn if I don't keep going. :)


Today, I am starting on a fun little project.

Today, I will start writing first draft on a project I've been meaning to do for a while.

I have been giving a LOT of thought to the idea of going out and talking about my weight loss journey, to inspire people, to get people going, and - hopefully - to add some extra income and possibly truly getting going on my own company.

It's a pretty simple idea. I want to teach weight loss. I want to go out and tell people about it, maybe at smaller venues, sports arrangements, communities, churches, etc.

Of course it takes a manuscript, and this is what I'm gonna work on. It's gonna be a good way to pass time while I'm home alone and don't have much to do. Once I start working again, I won't get to write like this, so now is really the time.


Lately, the thought of going solo and making my own business has REALLY appealed to me.

I want to use my knowledge to help people. I have zero doubt that this is my calling.

If my day job was the usual, boring, underpaid day job, then I'd probably just quit and get going. Trouble is, the day job is very well paid, and we would have to take a significant knock in income initially if/when I go ahead and start doing this.

I'm hoping that I can simply slide from just doing a little and then upping it slowly into something that gives us an income close to what I'm already making. This would be optimal.

I know. You can't go sail the oceans if you're afraid of losing sight of the shore. Eventually it'll be one or the other. But I have a Wife and Daughter that I need to take care of.

I have already worked out several little things around it, though, such as ideas for what I can do.

- I want to set up a cheap office. I know where to get this.
- I want to teach weight loss. I already do this, and have the place for it. I want to expand this to more days, possibly in other towns.
- I want to look into long distance weight loss coaching.
- I want to do groups and individual coaching.
- I want to do my "show" and travel with it.

I hope this will be enough that I could live off of it.

We all know that there is a market. Trouble is, of course, that there is also competition. There are expenses. There are taxes to pay. There are many things.

But slowly, I feel the pull getting stronger and stronger. It is most certainly my calling.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Realizing what it is that I need to be working with. My calling.
- Slowly feeling better after my bad medicine mistake.
- Wife. She was so sweet and helpful this morning seeing how bad I was feeling.
- Morning coffee.
- Writing today.

Life is good!


Its an absolute pleasure reading your posts Keld, its a fascinating journey. In my dealings with you I know you would be a fantastic life coach and a trainer for people to lose weight with, I know you will be a success and good luck with the project. 
10 Dec 13 by member: Kingstephen
I appreciate it, Steve. Thank you. I really want to move forward on this. I just need to have everything lined up right.  
10 Dec 13 by member: kingkeld
Hey, Keld. I'm so glad you're feeling well (well enough to walk 20,000 steps yesterday!). Also glad to hear that the swelling is down. I totally agree with you about the fluid / muscle assessment. I'm puzzled by the fat number too. That's strange. Don't stress too much about it, though. I'd bet tomorrow it balances back out a bit. The only thing that comes to mind on it, as some of that fluid in you body thickens, it could be the electrodes in your monitor are interpreting that as fat, even though it isn't (but it isn't exactly fluid any more, and the monitor knows that it isn't muscle or bone, so it thinks -- must be fat). Like I said, I wouldn't stress. I'm SOO GLAD to hear you want to be an evangelist for your cause. You have already helped so many on here, and I know you wouldn't simply succeed, you'd ROCK IT! Like you always do. One thing I'd caution you on is that office. When starting a business, I'd really try hard to arrange it so you don't need that office right off -- unless you can get it virtually for free. Unnecessary office expense (and poorly spent ad dollars) is the thing that kills most young businesses before they get a chance to get started. Hey, thanks for your message, did you get my response? 
10 Dec 13 by member: Rob.c.weiss
Good luck on your project!! It is always nice to hear people that want to use their experience to help other people to achieve their goals!!  
10 Dec 13 by member: my journey to good health
I think Rob's theory about the fat number has some merit - hopefully today's reading is the outlier, and the better numbers are the true values. Right now, I wouldn't trust any reading that much - your body is such a state of flux that it could be skewing the readings in all kinds of strange ways. In time, the true values will emerge. Also, Rob is right about the office. Unless it's a must-have for your business, avoid it. If you've got to have a receptionist, or you have to have a place to meet clients and your home won't work for that, a virtual office might be a good alternative. 
10 Dec 13 by member: zebdavison
Maybe you could start up the weight-loss business in the evenings after your day job until it gets rolling. I do think that having an actual office for clients to come to lends more legitimacy to the business and may reel in more new customers. If you're office hours are in the evening, your day job can help pay for your office expenses initially. 
10 Dec 13 by member: 2ManyCurves
Curves - I already have. I teach weight loss Mondays, enjoy life with Wife Tuesday, work at the gym Wednesday, work late at main job Thursday, relax Friday, occasionally work the gym Saturday or Sunday, and play with my band Sundays too. It's really hard to find MORE time. :) 
10 Dec 13 by member: kingkeld
Ah, yes. You are a busy man.  
10 Dec 13 by member: 2ManyCurves
Is there anything in the national healthcare system that provides for fitness or diet coaches? 
10 Dec 13 by member: Cthulhu
Cthulhu, there actually is. As a job consultant aiding people on long term sick leave back to work, we have the option of assigning a nutritionist (not that I trust them much, I often feel that I know better!) or training at a gym to recover after injuries. It's all paid by the government. Long live socialism! :) 
10 Dec 13 by member: kingkeld
Hey, I really think 'Merica could use some of those solutions. I'm sure it's cheaper for society and much more satisfying for patients to receive some longterm coaching, especially if they could get a talent like you to work with. 
11 Dec 13 by member: Cthulhu


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